Launching PLG is not going to be perfect

Launching a free product isn’t about getting everything perfect. 😕

In fact, our free offering and process were so unready that we squandered almost 30% of our sign-up leads.

And that's okay.

We know it's about learning and growing.

We calculated that as part of the launch.

Let me share what we discovered at TrustCloud: 📓

➡️ Launch Even When You’re Not Fully Ready: Free product or paid product -- the adage is the same "If you're not embarrassed by the first version of your product, you've launched too late" - Reid Hoffman 😅

➡️ PLG Happens in Steps: There are layers to launching PLG. Awareness, acquisition, market demand, activation and onboarding, retention, nurturing, tech touches, support, customer success, operations, handraising, upsell, paywall, renewals, resurrection, referrals, championing, sales enablements, product documentation... You are not* going to get everything right from the get-go 👣

➡️ Use Onboarding calls to learn quickly: Each onboarding call, you will be able to refine your PLG strategy ☎️

Implementing PLG is a journey. With each deployment, you are investing in an untapped market.